Things I saw on the internet today

Links to all and sundry

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

B.P. Oil Spill Commercial

- THIS - is funny.

Found @ Kontraband

This Needs Explaining


OK, - HERE'S - the rest of the set.


- THIS - is great fun. But I got stuck on level 16.


Socotra Island

Check out the most bizzare place on earth - HERE -


How Does Google Work ?

Check it out - HERE -

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Facebook at it Again

Image credit

Facebook have deleted  'Boycott BP' leaving almost
800,000 fans hanging !
Full story - HERE -


Monday, June 28, 2010

12 Most Watchable Foreign Films

Click on image for a 2100 x 1400 Wallpaper.

Click - HERE - for 12 must see foreign films.


Wolfram Alpha

Click on image to see full size.

- THIS - is a computational knowledge engine. I just
entered todays date. But it does maths and loads of
of other stuff. Give it a try.


Saturday, June 26, 2010

Weekend Wallpaper

Click on image for a 1280 x 1024 wallpaper.

DKS - That's Jazz

- THIS - is foot tapping music.

35 WTF Pictures That Need Explaining

Try and explain what is going on - HERE -


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Rip Hopkins - Another Country

Click on image to see full size.

More - HERE - and - HERE -

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Top 10 YouTube Soccer Videos

If you haven't had enough of football/soccer yet -

Check out - THESE - videos.


The Environmental Island -GREEN FLOAT

- HERE'S - a look at how we may build our cities
in the future.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Kiwi Dub

Some sweet tunes @YouTube - HERE -

Friday, June 18, 2010

50 Superb 3D Flash Websites

- THIS - is well worth checking out. Some amazing
work has gone into these sites.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Pasta Shapes & Names

- HERE'S - a neat list with pictures and names of many
different types of pasta.


Carmargue Horses

Click on image to see full size.

Full story - HERE -



I've been having fun running - THIS - with the
drum machine that I posted a couple of days ago.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Click on image to see full size.
Connect and share wether you want to or not.
I've had great fun this morning, just tapping in
random words and reading the results.

Try it yourself - HERE -

How to Silence Vuvuzela Horns

- HERE'S - a great article on how to make your world
cup viewing a bit more enjoyable.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Online Drum Machine

- THIS - is good for a bit of fun.

via   - NSFW

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Weekend Wallpaper

Click on image for a 1440 x 900 wallpaper.

Found @ 4Chan. Just Google it !!!

If you can't be arsed, - HERE'S - da link. NSFW

Obscura Cuelight Pool Table

Check out - THIS - pool table @ YouTube.

When you see it... You'll be mildly amused

Click on image to see full size.


Popcorn Kittens

Ahhhhhhh, I love kittens. Trop mignon. Watch the
video - HERE -


The Mandelbulb

- HERE - you will find a 3.3 Gigapixel render of a
Mandelbulb. That's about 400 square meters.
Great stuff, check it out.

Thanks Johnn.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Ball on a String - Game

If you are really bored - THIS - should pass some time.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Le Pain Maudit (Cursed Bread)

I've heard this story before. Now it seems that the truth
has been discovered.
Full article from the Daily Telegraph - HERE -

Those naughty Americans.

Wallpaper of the Week

Click on image for a 1680 x 1050 wallpaper.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Upcoming Solar Storms

Oops, - HERE'S - another catastrophe warning.


Monday, June 7, 2010

Interesting Website Collection

- THIS - blog has a great collection of websites to visit.

Mainly tech orientated but well worth a look.

Salvia divinorum - aka the 'YouTube drug.'

Check out - THIS - article from The Daily Telegraph.

Then watch - THIS - video at YouTube.

Sort of via

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Friday, June 4, 2010

French Demotivateurs

Dunno me ! I speak French and English and
it just doesn't seem to work in French.

Check 'em out - HERE -

Caribou - Swim. Music

- THIS - is great tunes !!!   GROOVY

Thanks Knobby.

WSJ - Pictures of the Week

Click on image to see full size.

Click - HERE - for the full article.



Mr Will Jenkins has come up with a neat money making
idea. He also says he will donate 5% of any profit to the
save the children fund.
Check out his site - HERE -
Thanks for the e-mail Will, and good luck.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

30 Cool Time Wasting Sites

- THIS - is a must read. I have posted links to one or
two of these sites before. But this link goes the whole
hog. Prepare to waste some time !!!


Space Wallpaper

Click on image for a 1600 x 1200 wallpaper.
